The goal of the Samajwadi Party, according to party leader Rajendra Chaudhary, is to unseat the Bharatiya Janata Party in each of Uttar Pradesh’s 80 seats. Speaking to reporters prior to the Samajwadi Party’s national executive meeting held here, Chaudhary stated that the party’s chief Akhilesh Yadav had announced the slogan “PDA” (Pichade-Dalit-Alpsankhyak) in anticipation of the Lok Sabha elections the following year. “Akhilesh Yadav will speak about the 2024 Lok Sabha elections at the party’s national executive meeting. He adopted the ‘PDA’ (Pichade-Dalit-Alpsankhyak) slogan. The SP is always trying to make the UP stronger. The Samajwadi Party wants to win every one of the state’s eighty seats from the BJP, the leader of the SP declared.
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