NEW DELHI: Smartphone maker OPPO on Wednesday launched a new A-series smartphone ‘OPPO A15s’ for Rs 11,490 in India. The smartphone will be available across all mainline retail channels and Amazon starting 21 December in three vibrant colour variants—dynamic black, fancy white as well as rainbow silver. The smartphone features a 6.52-inch waterdrop display with an 89 per cent screen-to-body ratio and an HD+ resolution and 720 x 1600 pixel. The phone has a square-shaped AI triple-rear camera setup of 13MP, 2MP (macro), and 2MP (depth) sensors. For selfies, there is 8MP camera on the front with AI beautification mode. The device runs on ColorOS 7.2 that supports features such as system-wide dark mode, Icon Pull-Down Gesture feature.
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The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.