Police discovered opium cultivation in a nursery located in Kishangarh, Chandigarh. Inspector Jaswinder, head of the District Crime Cell, led a raid in Kishangarh based on confidential information. During the operation, police seized 725 opium plants from the nursery. Opium cultivation is strictly regulated and requires government permission and a license. Consequently, police filed a case against both suspects under Section 18C of the NDPS Act and arrested gardener Siya Ram, along with Sameer Kalia, the nursery owner residing in Panchkula Sector 10.
Cultivating opium without authorization is illegal in Chandigarh. DSP Dilsher Chandel disclosed that police recovered 725 opium plants, weighing approximately 20.570 kilograms, during the investigation. The illicit farming occurred in a nursery near Kishangarh village, falling within the jurisdiction of IT Park police station.
DSP Dilsher Singh Chandel noted that this is the first instance of illegal opium cultivation reported in Chandigarh. ASI Rahul, accompanied by a police team, found opium plants at a nursery in the Shastri Nagar area. Following DSP’s verification of the facts, a case was registered against both suspects, Sameer Kalia and Siya Ram.
Both suspects are to be presented in court and remanded, according to DSP. In addition to the opium cultivation, the nursery owner runs a seed shop. Siyaram, the accused gardener, has allegedly been cultivating opium for about five years. The motive behind the cultivation and the recipients of the opium are subjects under investigation. The police intend to thoroughly interrogate the accused during their remand.
Last year, the CM Flying Squad uncovered opium cultivation in Panchkula’s Morni area, seizing around one thousand opium plants. The accused, Kamal, worked as a driver for Haryana Roadways.
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