Haryana Police launched Operation Aakraman-6 on Sunday to crack down on criminals, illicit elements, and drug traffickers across the state. Under this operation, simultaneous raids were conducted, resulting in the filing of 653 cases under IPC, NDPS Act, Excise Act, and Arms Act, leading to the arrest of 1,103 individuals. The operation also led to the seizure of a significant quantity of narcotics and illegal weapons.
Sharing information about the operation, Haryana Police Director General of Police (DGP) Shatrughan Kapoor stated that the police are gathering precise information on criminal activities, including illegal weapons, narcotics, and illicit liquor trade, in the state. Under the leadership of SP and DSP, 1,390 teams comprising 7,049 police personnel initiated the raids on December 10 morning, which continued until late evening. The teams conducted raids simultaneously at various locations, achieving excellent results in targeting criminals.
During the operation, the police teams seized a total of 57 illegal weapons, 62 cartridges, and 2 magazines. Additionally, they confiscated 4,528 grams of ganja, 31.99 grams of heroin, 21,200 grams of doda post, 1,415 grams of opium, 53.01 grams of smack, 13,025 pihsk, 125 grams of crystal, 900 grams of camphor, 1.37 grams of charas, and 2,030 prohibited narcotic capsules. Other items recovered include a motorcycle, a cash amount of Rs 65,200, and more.
During the campaign, the teams targeted notorious criminals, resulting in the arrest of 8 wanted criminals and the capture of 5 absconders. The police also successfully apprehended 2 murderers, 2 cybercriminals, 158 proclaimed offenders, and 60 bail jumpers. Additionally, 163 other accused were captured during the campaign.
Furthermore, the police seized 5 mobile phones, 1 stick, Rs 28,550 in cash, and 26 vehicles from the possession of various accused arrested during the special operation. The police successfully confiscated 4,573 bottles of English liquor, 7,302 bottles of country liquor, 53 beer bottles, 464 liters of illicit liquor, 1,107 liters of legal liquor, and 2,346 liters of lahan during the operation. Under the Gambling Act, a total of Rs 3,22,090 in cash was recovered from the accused. Additionally, 4,640 vehicles violating traffic rules were fined during the campaign.It is noteworthy that Operation Aakraman was conducted extensively across the state to curb crime and criminal elements. This marks the sixth campaign launched by the police department to create a fear-free environment for the people of the state.
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