The Punjab Police on Monday conducted a cordon-and-search operation against drug trafficking and anti-social elements in the Rupnagar range, officials said. The operation was carried out in SAS Nagar and Fatehgarh Sahib districts on the directions of the Director General of Police (DGP), Punjab, Gaurav Yadav. The entire operation was conducted under the overall supervision of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Rupnagar Range, Gurpreet Singh Bhullar, the officials said. Sharing details of the operation, Special DGP Arpit Shukla said police teams arrested 12 anti-social elements after registering 13 FIRs. Police also seized Rs 2.50 lakh cash, 40 grams of heroin, 12 kg ganja, and 1 kg poppy husk from their possession, he said.
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