In an interview with the iTV Network, Haryana Education Minister Kanwar Pal Gujjar details why the state government decided to cancel the Class 12 board examinations and talks about other related issues. Excerpts:
Q: Finally, the state government has decided to follow on the footsteps of Central government. What led to such decision?
A: We received mixed reactions from different walks of society. Recently, the Prime Minister held a meeting with all the stakeholders of the education department from all states. After listening to everyone and evaluating the situation, he along with other Cabinet ministers, agreed not to hold the examinations for the sake of students and their health.
Q: How are you going to assess the evaluation of students?
A: Assessment of senior secondary students will be done in similar fashion as we did evaluation of tenth grade students. And if any students raise objection over their evaluations, we will hold their written examinations. When the situation normalises, we will reassess the situation.
Q: As per the guidelines for class 10 students, a committee led by the principals of schools will be constituted to evaluate the work of students. What will be the procedure to conduct a fair evaluation of class 12 students?
A: We would like to assure students that the evaluation and assessment process will be impartial and unbiased. The state machinery at different layers will make sure that each student’s work is examined without any discrepancy.
Q: Conducting online examination in rural areas is still a tough challenge for the government. What’s your preparation for the future?
A: The Haryana government has been determined to resolve this issue and we have allocated huge amounts to provide tablets to all the marginalised students from class 8 to class 12. We are also holding various campaigns to educate people for online education.
Q: The pandemic has created such difficult conditions whereby students are going through tough times to keep up with their studies. What has the government learnt from this situation?
A: Online education is a blessing in disguise. It has more good aspects than bad. Now, parents can keep a keen watch on the studies of their kids and also have direct involvement with teachers. I would also like to appeal to all students that the Haryana government will ensure that no eligible student goes through a biased evaluation process that affects their future.