A labourer died and 18 others went missing near the India-China border in Arunachal Pradesh’s Kurung Kumey district. The labourers, who were engaged in road construction in Arunachal Pradesh’s Kurung Kumey district, were missing for the last 14 days.

All 19 are missing since 5 July from the project site and the body of one labourer was found in a nearby river.

Bengia Nighee, Deputy Commissioner of Kurung Kumey district told a news agency over the phone that, the body of one labourer was found in a small river named Furak river under Damin circle on Monday.

“A police team and the Circle officer of Damin have moved towards the site today morning. The labourers were engaged in a road construction work at Huri area under Damin circle,” Bengia Nighee said. The Damin circle area is located along the India-China border. “Most of the missing labourers are from Muslim community and they might have left the site on 5 July to celebrate Eid in their locality,” Nighee said. The Deputy Commissioner of Kurung Kumey district further said that they have received the information about the missing labourers from the contractor of the road project.