West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said on Monday that she is filled with joy and nostalgia as the Trinamool Chhatra Parishad (TMCP) marks the 26th anniversary of its founding.

The West Bengal Chief Minister declared on social networking site X, formerly known as Twitter, “I am filled with pride and nostalgia as we commemorate #TMCPFoundationDay across Bengal! As a former student leader, I am aware of the influence that youth and students have on the direction of our country. Your dedication to our shared mission, Chhatra Parishad’s young and ardent brains, melts my heart.

The All India Trinamool Congress’ student wing, TMCP, was established on August 28, 1998. A few months later, on January 1, 1998, Mamata Banerjee founded Trinamool Congress as a result of her disagreement with the Congress. Banerjee split from the Congress with the intention of overthrowing the ruling Left Front party at the time.

At the end of this month, in Mumbai, the newly established INDIA alliance will hold its third meeting, and Mata Bannerjee and Abhishek Banerjee are anticipated to be there. In West Bengal’s 42 Lok Sabha seats, the TMC won 22 of the seats in 2019.