Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla arrived in Kota on Sunday to inaugurate the much-awaited Kota Mahotsav, which begins today. The festival, organized by the district administration in collaboration with various local organizations, aims to showcase Kota’s rich cultural heritage, history, and tourism potential. Birla received an invitation from the district administration, led by District Collector Dr. Ravindra Goswami, along with other key organizers.
Speaking ahead of the inauguration, Birla praised the initiative, calling the Kota Mahotsav a significant step in presenting Kota’s vibrant culture to the world. He emphasized that the festival would provide an opportunity for citizens to reconnect with the city’s glorious past and introduce Kota’s unique cultural identity to both national and international audiences. The event, he said, would not only highlight Kota’s historical landmarks but also strengthen the city’s tourism sector, potentially boosting its economy.
Birla encouraged the people of Kota and Bundi, particularly young influencers, to actively participate in the Mahotsav and help promote the city’s heritage as brand ambassadors. He expressed hope that the festival would elevate Kota’s position on the tourism map, drawing recognition to its remarkable tourist destinations.

The three-day Kota Mahotsav will kick off with a grand Ganesh Vandana at the Khade Ganesh Mandir, followed by performances showcasing traditional Kathak dance. Renowned Kathak dancers, including Aanchal Rawat, Gauri Sharma, Sanskriti Pathak, and Harshita Sharma from the National Kathak Centre, Delhi, will perform during the inauguration. Local child dancers from Trinetra Kathak Academy will also perform Ganesh Stuti, Shiva worship, and Krishna Radha Raas dances.
The Kota Mahotsav is set to be a major cultural event, celebrating the city’s history and heritage.
Taking an important step towards making the Kota Mahotsav, which is being celebrated with the aim of giving new heights to tourism in Kota, a success by involving maximum public participation, it has been decided to keep Garh Palace free for all three days. According to the information received from Garh Palace Trust, under the Kota Mahotsav, entry of visitors to Garh Palace will be free from 23 December to 25 December.