Odisha’s newly-formed BJP government, led by Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi, has announced the re-opening of all four gates of the Shree Jagannath Temple in Puri. This decision was made during the Odisha first Cabinet meeting on Thursday morning and will be implemented in the presence of all ministers.

Chief Minister Majhi emphasized that opening all the temple gates was a key promise in the BJP’s election manifesto. “Devotees have been facing issues due to the closure of the gates, which had been shut since the COVID-19 pandemic under the previous BJD administration. Re-opening all gates will restore full access to the temple for the devotees,” he stated.

To further support the Shree Jagannath Temple, the Cabinet has approved the establishment of a ₹500 crore corpus fund dedicated to the conservation and preservation of the 12th-century shrine. This fund will address the immediate requirements and long-term upkeep of the temple.

The Cabinet also focused on agricultural reforms, particularly the minimum support price (MSP) for paddy. The government plans to increase the MSP to ₹3,100 per quintal. A special committee will be formed soon to implement this proposal, and a comprehensive policy named “Samruddha Krushak Niti Yojana” will be developed to address broader agricultural issues, including farmer support and MSP adjustments.

Chief Minister Majhi assured that the guidelines and roadmap for these initiatives would be finalized within the first 100 days of the new administration.

Additionally, the government aims to tackle the shortcomings in women empowerment and child welfare programs under the previous regime. The new “Subhadra Yojana” will be launched within 100 days, providing a ₹50,000 cash voucher to each woman beneficiary. Departments have been instructed to draft the necessary guidelines and implementation strategies for this program.

In summary, the Odisha first Cabinet meeting under Chief Minister Majhi has set a clear agenda focused on religious inclusivity, agricultural reform, and social welfare, promising significant changes and support for the people of Odisha.