Online beauty and fashion retailer Nykaa Fashion has roped in Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor as its brand ambassador. The brand has strengthen its relationship with the actress in order to accelerate Janhvi’s influence and popularity to the world of fashion. Adwaita Nayar, co-founder of Nykaa, and chief executive officer of Nykaa Fashion, said, “Janhvi is a true, modern style icon who has already established her flair in the beauty game with Nykaa. She brings great relatability and influence to the table and we cannot think of anyone more apt to represent the spirit of our fashion offering. I’m excited to further strengthen our association with Janhvi and together build brand love for Nykaa.”
In response to which Janhvi said, “My relationship with Nykaa is truly special, not just professionally but also personally. As one of their millions of consumers, I have always felt empowered by the choices offered by the brand. I am a huge fashion enthusiast, and am super excited to partner with Nykaa Fashion to bring its elegantly curated offerings across homegrown and international brands under the spotlight, for you to discover and enjoy!”
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