NEW DELHI: Nushrratt Bharuccha is all set to star with Akshay Kumar for the first time in ‘Ram Setu’. Recently, the actress took to her social media to give a glimpse of a reading session from the film alongside Akshay and Jacqueline Fernandez. A source close to the actress reveals, “Nushrratt is excited and pumped for the project and to share the screen space with Akshay sir. She has been a huge fan ofAkshay sir’s work and now she is extremely grateful to share screen space with him.” The source further adds, “Nushrratt has been working on ‘Ram Setu’ with full force and has been working on her character personally. She is fully immersing herself in work and putting out her ‘A’ game forward.” It will surely be refreshing to watch Nushrratt and Akshay gracing the silver screen together for the first time. Basking in the glory of her much-loved avtar from ‘Chhalaang’, her character from ‘Ram Setu’ is much awaited. The actress will also be seen in ‘Hurdang’ opposite Sunny Kaushal and Vijay Varma, Omung Kumar’s ‘Janhit Mein Jaari’, and horror drama ‘Chhorri’.
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