Punjab Vigilance Bureau has taken control of the allegations of bribery against Pankaj Kumar, the Numberdar of Zone A in Ludhiana Municipal Corporation. The spokesperson for the bureau revealed that the complainant, Ashok Kumar from Mattewara village, Ludhiana, filed a complaint in the Chief Minister’s Anti-Corruption helpline, accusing Pankaj Kumar of demanding a bribe of Rs. 5,000 per month from a sanitation worker. He claimed that despite the duty instructions for a specific 800-meter area, Pankaj assigned him a 2400-meter area. Ashok Kumar further alleged that Pankaj Kumar demanded Rs. 5,000 monthly as a bribe to exempt him from duty entirely, a request Ashok Kumar refused. Additionally, in the afternoon shift, Pankaj Kumar demanded Rs. 2,000 per month for allowing him to leave duty.
The spokesperson stated that a thorough investigation, including online complaints and recorded conversations, confirmed the bribery allegations. In the recorded conversation, Pankaj Kumar agreed to accept Rs. 1,000 per month instead of the demanded Rs. 2,000 for leaving the afternoon shift.
After investigating the case, Ludhiana Range’s DSP Vigilance Bureau unit registered a case against Pankaj Kumar under the Prevention of Corruption Act. Pankaj Kumar has been arrested, and he will be presented in court on Friday. The spokesperson highlighted that further investigation into the matter is ongoing.