On Monday, the curfew in Haryana’s Nuh district will be lifted for public mobility for four hours. Following the communal violence, the district was placed under curfew on August 1. The district magistrate issued an order lifting the curfew from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Earlier today, the curfew was briefly removed from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. to allow for public movement. People came out of their homes soon after the curfew was lifted to buy veggies at Nuh Sabzi Mandi.

However, mobile internet services in the Nuh district will be banned until August 8. According to the order issued by the Haryana home secretary, the situation in the district remains critical.

“Whereas, it has been brought to my notice by Deputy Commissioner Nub that the law and order situation has been reviewed and the conditions are still critical and tense in the district,” the statement said.

Mobs flung stones at a Vishwa Hindu Parishad religious parade and burned cars on fire in the mostly Muslim district of Nuh, about 75 kilometers (45 miles) south of New Delhi.

The following evening, arson and vandalism erupted in sections of adjacent Gurugram. So far, six people have been killed in sectarian clashes, including two home guards and a clergyman.

The municipal authorities in Nuh responded to the violence with a demolition effort. A restaurant/hotel that miscreants used to throw stones during the recent riots was dismantled on Sunday.

The district administration had demolished around 45 illegally erected stores in the Nalhar Road area the day before. Sub-divisional magistrate Ashwani Kumar claimed the action was ordered by chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar and that some of the shops belonged to people involved in the communal violence.