The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Friday revised the date of counting of votes for the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram from December 3 to December 4. The poll body said that the date has been revised as several representations were received from various quarters of the state to change the vote counting day.

The poll panel in a statement said, “The Commission has received several representations from various quarters requesting for change in date of counting from 3rd December, 2023 (Sunday) to some other week day, on the ground that 3rd December, 2023 being Sunday a special significance for the people of Mizoram.”

The Commission, having considered these representations, has decided to revise the date of counting for the Legislative Assembly of Mizoram from 3rd December, 2023 (Sunday) to 4th December, 2023 (Monday), the poll panel said. Earlier, the counting of votes for the 40-member assembly was slated for December 3.