The Railway Department is cracking down on passengers traveling without tickets, imposing fines amounting to nearly Rs 4.45 crores during November 2023. The ticket checking teams in the Ferozepur Mandal conducted checks during train journeys, identifying 43,501 passengers who were traveling without tickets or irregularities. This resultant revenue collection marks a significant 48% increase compared to the previous year.
District Magistrate of Ferozepur, Sanjay Sahu, shared that the ticket checking teams in Ferozepur Mandal had set a revenue target of Rs 4 crores through ticket checking for the month of November. Despite disruptions in railway services due to farmers’ rail blockade protests during the month, the Ticket Checking staff of the Mandal surpassed the revenue target by 11%.
In recognition of their outstanding performance, the top 10 Ticket Checking staff members, who contributed the most to the increased revenue during November, were honored with commendation letters. Additionally, during November, fines exceeding Rs 60,000 rupees were collected from 445 passengers for spreading litter at the station premises under the Anti-Littering Act.
Mandal Railway Manager, Sanjay Sahu, mentioned that the ticket checking campaign in Firozpur Mandal will continue. The primary objective of the ticket checking campaign is to improve the sale of railway tickets and penalize passengers traveling without tickets to encourage them to purchase proper tickets for their future journeys.