Bollywood diva Nora Fatehi never misses a chance to stun her fans and followers. The actress stuns her fans in her outfits whenever she steps out for parties and promotions. She took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures in a shiny semi-sheer outfit putting on her A-game in fashion. In the pictures, the diva is turning up the heat in an embellished dress. She can be seen flaunting her curves in a figure-hugging silver embellished dress. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “To her man, I’m the girl of his dreams Thinkin’ ’bout me when he brushin’ his teeth..”
Take a look at Nora Fatehi’s breathtaking pictures
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the diva will be seen in ‘100 Percent’, which is directed by Sajid Khan. Recently, she was seen in the song ‘Jedha Nasha’ from Ayushmann Khurrana’s quirky thriller film ‘An Action Hero’. She also performed at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. At her performance, Nora even waved the Indian flag.