NEW DELHI: Nokia on Monday forayed into the laptop segment with the launch of ‘Nokia PureBook X14’ in partnership with homegrown e-commerce company Flipkart in India. The laptop is priced at Rs 59,990 and will be available to pre-order on Flipkart from 18 December. Nokia PureBook X14 measures 16.88 mm in width, comes with a 14-inch full HD LED-backlit screen with Dolby Vision with an IPS panel. The laptop is powered by an Intel i5 10th Gen quad-core processor with up to 4.2 GHz turbo frequency complemented by a 512 GB NVMe SSD, 8 GB DDR4 RAM and comes with Windows 10 Home pre-installed. It offers an immersive audio-visual experience with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos for headphones feature. The laptop is claimed to provide up to 8 hours of battery backup and comes with a 65W charger.
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