Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala said the people had to earlier make numerous rounds at the offices to get the no-objection certificate (NOC) issued, but now the state government has improved the system. The state government has specified that if a department does not give an NOC within 14 days, it will be considered as deemed acceptance and registrations will be done.
The Deputy CM was replying in the Assembly on Wednesday on the issue of registration of lands by the Leader of the Opposition, Bhupender Singh Hooda, during the ongoing monsoon session in Haryana Vidhan Sabha. He said that during the Congress tenure from the year 2005 to 2014, CLUs (changes in land use) were wrongly issued, and sectors were wrongly cut. He questioned if the Leader of the Opposition was not aware of it. When the Leader of the Opposition demanded a CBI inquiry or the Vidhan Sabha Committee or an inquiry by a sitting judge of the High Court on this issue, Dushyant Chautala retorted that there are several investigations marked to the CBI, perhaps the Leader of the Opposition is well aware of it. Casting a counter-question on the Leader of the Opposition, he asked whether Mr. Hooda would inform him about the number of CLUs wrongly issued and were cancelled during his 10- year tenure.
The Deputy CM also made the House aware that on 23 November 2019, since he took charge of the Revenue Department, a Committee of all District Revenue Officers was constituted. He said that instructions were given for geomapping of the prescribed controlled area of all 83 urban local bodies and 38 towns in the state. He said that we have simplified the work of the registries so that people do not face any trouble and there should be transparency in the work.