A video that went viral showing a resident, Varun Nath, aggressively attacking a security guard, Ashok Kumar, at the Close North Apartments of Nirvana, Sector 50, Gurgaon, outraged online users. The Resident Welfare Association (RWA) condemns such misbehaviour but does not take strict action against the unruly behaviour of the residents. The RWA members do not now intend to impose tough restrictions on residents and frequently sympathise with those who misbehave due to personal issues.

When TDG went to RWA Close North Apartment of Nirvana, this correspondent was told that the President is unavailable. On further enquiry about the incident and whether any action was taken against the resident, an official said, “Although there are rules against misbehaviour, people do not follow them. They (people) take out their frustration on security guards and helpers but they apologise afterwards. We can’t blame anyone, mistakes are often made by commoners.”

On asking whether such misbehaviour complaints have been received by RWA, he added, “Without reporting the incident to the police, we prefer to resolve these types of complaints or misbehaviour acts internally.”

The security personnel at Close North Apartments also claimed that although there have been incidents of misbehaviour, this is the first time a resident has slapped a guard. “Even when members of this complex act inappropriately, they typically apologise later. Even though this is the first instance of a resident slapping a guard, we have heard from friends in other complexes that in such instances, we are encouraged to drop our complaints. As a result, we typically don’t speak out against this,” a security guard told this paper. 

Currently, Varun Nath is out on bail but the court case is still on. Speaking to the TDG, Gurgaon Police PRO Subhash Bokan said, “Varun has got bail but the court case is on. He is charged under section 323 and section 506.”

Residents who mistreat guards or helpers frequently receive bail, but because the laws are so weak, this doesn’t make them behave better. People frequently take out their frustrations on those who work for them or under them. 

District President of the Resident Welfare Association, Noida, NP Singh said, “Such cases of misbehaviour acts have been frequently reported to us. We receive four to five cases a month. The person may get bail quickly, but we attempt to detain them for a few days. The court proceeding also requires a few days, usually a week. Only a strong law will help to create a better mindset within society. 

A week back, a resident of Jaypee Greens Wishtown, Noida, Bhaavya Roy, a lawyer, verbally assaulted a security guard. She was sent to 14-day judicial custody and later on granted bail on Wednesday.