The Supreme Court on Friday refused to grant bail to former Congress MP Sajjan Kumar on medical grounds. “This was not a ‘small case’ and bail will not be considered at all at this stage,” the CJI said.

While rejecting Sajjan Kumar›s bail plea, the court observed that he cannot continue to stay in the hospital when his medical reports say there is no need for hospitalisation. The court also said that Kumar›s appeal against the conviction in the case may be taken up for hearing after the Supreme Court starts its physical hearing.

The Supreme Court was hearing the bail application filed by former Congress leader, Sajjan Kumar, who has been sentenced to life imprisonment in connection with the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case. Sajjan Kumar had been convicted in a case related to the killing of five members of a family in Raj Nagar in Delhi, following the assassination of Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984.

Kumar had been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Delhi High Court on December 17, 2018.