Actor Salman Khan has told the Mumbai police that he had not received any threatening call, message or engaged in any debate or dispute with anyone in the recent past, sources have told The Daily Guardian Review. Salman added that he didn’t have any solid reason to doubt anyone. His statement was recorded on Monday evening, a day after a threat letter addressed to him and his father, writer Salim Khan, was found on a bench where he was sitting after a morning walk near their family home. Mumbai Police recorded Salim’s statement before speaking to Salman.
According to sources in Mumbai Police, these are Salman’s recorded statements. Mumbai Police asked whether he received any threatening call or message engaged in any debate or dispute with anyone in the recent past. Salman answered this in no and said that he has not had any dispute with anyone recently, no threat call has come nor any message.
The Mumbai Police further asked him whether he is suspecting anyone regarding this threat letter? Salman replied that he has not received this letter, his father found this letter on a bench where he was sitting after a morning walk near their family home in Mumbai’s Bandra. So he don’t have any solid reason to doubt anyone.
Mumbai Police asked if he knows Goldie Brar or Lawrence Bishnoi? Has he received any threat from any of their gangs in recent times? Salman answered that he doesn’t know Goldie and he knows Lawrence as much as other people know him because of the 2018 case. Lawrence had issued a threat to Salman in 2018 in an interaction with journalists outside a court where he’d been brought for a hearing in Jodhpur. Lawrence is currently in Tihar Jail in Delhi.
Earlier on Monday, Lawrence , a suspect in the Sidhu Moosewala murder, reportedly denied having anything to do with this threat letter. The one-line threat in Hindi was written on a paper chit: “Salim Khan, Salman Khan Bahut Jald Aapka Moosewala Hoga… (Salim Khan, Salman Khan, very soon you will meet Moosewala’s fate),” and had the initials ‘LB’, which brought Lawrence into the picture.
Security has been enhanced around Salman’s house. A case under section 506-II (criminal intimidation) of the IPC has been registered at the Bandra police station. Reportedly, Police Commissioner Sanjay Pandey said the police were taking the threat letter very seriously.
Salman has left Mumbai for a movie shoot after recording his statement, as per reports.
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