The National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested Mumbai police officer Sachin Vaze on Saturday in connection with its probe into the recovery of a Scorpio containing 20 gelatin sticks near Mukesh Ambani’s house in South Mumbai on 25 February. Mumbai policeman Sachin Vaze, credited with eliminating 63 alleged criminals in “‘encounters”, is also facing heat in the murder case of Thane-based businessman Mansukh Hiran, who was in possession of the Scorpio. Hiran was found dead in a creek in Thane district on 5 March.
Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut spoke on the entire matter to The Sunday Guardian. Excerpts:
Q: The NIA probe into the Ambani bomb threat case has pointed towards Sachin Vaze. What do you have to say about that?
A: He has been arrested. If that’s been done, then the probe is on. The ATS is also looking into the matter. Maharashtra is governed in a lawful manner and as the law is supreme in the state, it will take its course, regardless of what the Opposition has to say.
Q: The Shiv Sens is being targeted by the Opposition on the issue. How do you see it?
A: The accusations are being made by the Opposition. Devendra Fadnavis is an Opposition leader. Let him make his accusations, we are used to it. The probe is still on.
Q: The Opposition is saying that your government did not probe the matter properly and that is why the NIA has had to step in.
A: There was no need for the NIA to come in. ATS was probing the matter, but the NIA was rushed in to not let the ATS do its job. There was no need for the NIA.
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