Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said that now that the number of cases is increasing again, the government is expecting the same caution and cooperation from the public as before. On the one hand testing has been increased in the state, adequate beds in hospitals and all kinds of essential medicines have also been made available. On the other hand, the work of vaccination is also going on very fast, the Chief Minister added. He made it clear that we have to balance everything according to Jaan Bhi Hai Jahaan Bhi Hai. Now there is no new lockdown, no business shutdown. Business is as usual with a few restrictions. He reiterated that no one should believe any rumors and there is no need to panic.
CM Rupani has requested all the citizens of the state to co-operate in the steps being taken by the state government against corona keeping in view the prevailing situation of the transition. He made it clear that earlier when the prevalence of corona increased, the measures taken by the government, with the support and cooperation of the people, created a situation where there was a minimal transition of corona in the state.
CM Rupani has appealed to all the citizens of Gujarat to support in the wider interest as the government had to impose some restrictions since the transition increased in Gujarat as well as other states of the country. Addressing the citizens of the state through his social media platform Facebook, CM Rupani said that people need not be alarmed by rumors.
Chief Minister Rupani also told the citizens of the state that the government is making very serious efforts on the issue of increasing corona cases in Gujarat. Not only this, the government is also taking appropriate action to reduce the number of cases and ensure that new cases are treated continuously and people recover and return soon.
The government has taken a number of steps to prevent the spread of the corona. Offline education has been discontinued in schools and colleges in metropolitan areas. So we have continued online education. Night curfew has been extended in some metros. Some restrictions have to be imposed on hotels and restaurants, said CM Rupani.
CM Rupani said that once again these drastic steps taken to prevent the transmission of corona will cause some inconvenience in daily life. The public will feel a little confined. But, it was necessary to do this. He added that the government is concerned that the public will suffer the least and people will not be harassed and that employment will not be affected, and will continue to do so.
The Chief Minister said that earlier when the wave of Corona was in Gujarat including the country, we had to impose such restrictions and at that time the people of Gujarat also gave full cooperation. When the transition was under control, the rules were relaxed so that the public would not have to suffer. “Then the transition increased a little bit. When we got back, we took the necessary steps and reduced the transition. That is why we have been successful in the fight against Corona in the past,” he added.
He said that many of the efforts taken earlier in the transition period of Corona were also appreciated by various institutions like the Supreme Court, the World Health Organization and IIM. The people of the state have given full cooperation and support to the decisions taken by the government in the fight against Corona so far.
“Now that the number of cases is on the rise, we have once again taken strict action. When the number of cases decreases, then everything will go back to normal,” he added. Rupani said that the government has no interest in the money for the fine of the mask. We are taking a fine of Rs. 1000 from the people who do not wear masks. He also appealed to all to create a situation where no one in the state has to pay the penalty of not wearing a mask.
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