The Delhi High Court on Thursday dismissed the plea filed by Trinamool Congress leader Mohua Moitra challenging a notice by the Directorate of Estates to vacate the government bungalow that was allotted to her but was cancelled following her expulsion.
Justice Girish Kathpalia in its order stated that “…this court is not inclined to invoke jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India at this stage to restrain the operation of the impugned eviction order. Accordingly, the application stands dismissed,” the court added.

The notice asking the Moitra to vacate the bungalow immediately was issued to her on Tuesday. Moitra, who was expelled from the Lok Sabha on December 8 last year, was earlier asked to vacate the house by January 7 after the allotment was cancelled.
Moitra was held guilty of “unethical conduct” and expelled from the House for allegedly accepting gifts and other favours from businessman Darshan Hiranandani in return for asking questions targeting his business rival Gautam Adani.