In the wake of the custodial death of Vignesh, who mysteriously died on April 19, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin said, “accused in police custody should not be tortured physically or mentally”.

He assured that there will be no lock up crimes in Tamil Nadu any more. Stalin further said that the government had not hid anything. “We have given required instructions to prevent custodial deaths in future”, the CM said.

Stalin added that those who were arrested should be presented in front of the magistrate following due procedures.

The death of Vignesh who used to offer horse rides as livelihood in Marina beach in Chennai, became a subject of political slugfest between the ruling party and opposition in Tamil Nadu. The 25-year-old suffered multiple injuries and fractures on his body, indicating custodial death due to torture.

The post-mortem report too indicated a foul play. However, the state police claimed that the death was natural.