New Delhi: A day after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal went to the Singhu border to extend his support to protesting farmers and talked of an open debate on farm laws, an internal communication has come out in which a member of Niti Aayog had sought his feedback on his working paper “to address implications of the Acts from the perspective of farmers, farm sector and rural economy”.
Official sources said Niti Aayog member had shared the documents with the view to eliciting comments from the Kejriwal government. They said this was more than a month before the Chief Minister tore copies of the farm laws in Delhi assembly accusing the Central government of getting them passed “in a hurry during the pandemic” and was contrary to his allegations.
The Chief Minister had also accused the government of getting the bills passed without voting in Rajya Sabha even as his government has notified farm law.Sources said the internal communication was sent to Delhi Chief Minister’s office by a member of Niti Aayog on 12 November seeking his feedback. They said it was forwarded to a Delhi minister for perusal. The sources said that the communication sent to Kejriwal’s office noted that the central government has enacted three farm laws in September 2020 “to implement long-pending policy reforms to give a strong impetus to rural and agriculture economy and to usher in the prosperity of India’s farmers”.
“It gives me immense pleasure to share a soft copy of the working paper prepared by me to address the implications of the Acts from the perspective of farmers, farm sectors and rural economy. Your feedback is welcome,” the member wrote.
The Chief Minister went to the Singhu border on Sunday to extend support to agitating farmers who are seeking repeal of three farm laws. It was his second visit to the Singhu border.
The AAP government has come out in support of agitating farmers and made arrangements for them.
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