This year’s prestigious “International Invincible Gold Medal” has been conferred upon Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal “Nishank”. In a communication released to the media, Dr Tony Nader, president of Maharshi Organisation Worldwide and various Maharshi universities, said that Dr Nishank has been recognised for his extraordinary commitment and outstanding service to humanity through his writings, social and illustrious public life.

The decision was made after due deliberations by a high-powered committee duly constituted under the leadership of Dr Nader who is the global head of the organisation. The honour was announced at a two-day virtual session which was attended by representatives from over 110 countries. The award will be formally presented to the minister on Guru Purnima this year.

Accepting the award, Dr Nishank said that he was grateful to the selection committee. He dedicated his award to all the corona warriors who are risking their lives to save patients in this difficult time.