Actress Nimrat Kaur shared a heartfelt video on social media, showing her making kada prasad to mark the occasion of Gurpurab. On her Instagram, she posted the video with the caption, “Ghar par banaa Hal-waaah!!!! #Gurpurab diyan lakh lakh vadiyaan.” In the video, she mentions learning the art of making halwa, also known as Kada Prasad in Gurdwaras, from her mother.
She says, “Home is where the Halwa is. Every Gurpurab, I make halwa at home, which is called Kada Prasad in the Gurdwara. My Nanu used to make halwa in the Gurdwara for many years. So, my mother learned from him, and I learned from my mom. So, let’s wing it. I will start with making Chashni.” Nimrat then demonstrates the step-by-step process of preparing the dish while reflecting on the family tradition.
The actress also visited the Gurdwara on Guru Nanak Jayanti but was seen asking the paparazzi to stop shouting her name outside the premises, which was captured in a viral video.
On the same occasion, Diljit Dosanjh shared a video of himself praying and enjoying kada prasad at the Gurdwara. He wrote, “Gurpurab Dian Sareyan Nu Vadhaiyan Har Saal Di Tara’n Es Vaar v Baba Ji Ne v Baut Kirpa Kiti…” (Best wishes to all on Gurpurab. This time too, Baba has blessed me a lot.)
Other celebrities, including Kareena Kapoor Khan and Rakul Preet Singh, also extended their Gurpurab wishes to fans.
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