The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday conducted searches at two locations in Punjab relating to the over 102 kg of heroin that had arrived in India through (Integrated Check-Post ICP), Attari on two separate occasions in April this year, informed the officials.
During the searches, the NIA said, “It seized unaccounted cash amounting to Rs 1,27,91,900 and incriminating digital devices and documents.” The anti-terror agency conducted the searches at the residence and office premises of the suspected accused Amritpal Singh, a resident of Tarn Taran, Punjab.
The raids were linked to the ongoing probe launched by the agency in a case relating to the seizure of over 102 kg heroin that had arrived in India through ICP, Attari on April 24 and April 26 this year respectively. The heroin had been concealed in a consignment of liquorice roots (Mulethi) by suppliers based in Afghanistan.
The case was initially registered by the Customs Department, Amritsar, and the NIA re-registered it on July 30 to investigate the role of multiple companies and individuals who are suspected to be involved in laundering the proceeds of narco-terrorism, said the officials.
Three accused persons Vipin Mittal, Proprietor of Shri Balaji Trading Co. New Delhi; and two other Delhi’s New Okhla Vihar residents Razi Haider Zaidi and Asif Abdullah were earlier arrested by the NIA.