The National Investigation Agency’s (NIA) Director General, Dinkar Gupta, said on Friday that terrorist activities have declined significantly in the country in the last eight years under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“It is an honour for me to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi; Sir, your zero-tolerance policy toward terrorism, the whole-of-government approach, and your strong and resolute leadership have brought about a remarkable change in the security scenario of the country,” NIA DG said while speaking at the 3rd Ministerial Conference on Countering Terrorist Financing. Lauding the Center’s zero-tolerance policy toward terrorism, Dinkar Gupta said, “It has brought a remarkable change in the security scenario of the country.”
He further emphasized that the policies of the government have cut off financing and other forms of support provided to terror activities.
“There has been a significant reduction in terrorist activities in India during the leadership of PM Modi in the last eight years. There has also been a large decrease in the overall economic impact of terrorism in India during this period,” he added.
The conference provides a unique platform for participating nations and organisations to deliberate on the effectiveness of the current international regime on counter-terrorism financing as well as the steps required to address emerging challenges. PM Modi inaugurated the two-day conference and stressed the need to focus on organised crime.