In a series of operations, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) carried out raids in various locations in Punjab and Haryana. In Kotkapura near Faridkot, an NIA team executed a raid at the residence of businessman Naresh Kumar, also known as Goldy, on Tuesday morning. As per reports, this could be linked to Naresh Kumar’s relative. Simultaneously, in Moga, the NIA targeted the home of Ravinder Singh in Vilaspur, Nihal Singh Wala, seeking information related to a mobile number registered in Ravinder’s name. Another raid took place in Chugawan, Moga, at a different residence.
Heading into Haryana, an NIA team reached the residence of a transporter in Dariyapur Dhaani, Sivani, Hisar. The nature of the operation in this location remains undisclosed by officials.As the investigations unfold, authorities have yet to release official statements regarding the motives behind these coordinated actions.
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