In a bold move, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) initiated raids at eight locations across Jammu and Kashmir in connection to a terror funding case. The ongoing operations, being executed in close coordination with the Jammu and Kashmir Police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), are being conducted at seven spots in Kashmir and one in Jammu, according to informed sources.

The agency’s sleuths are conducting extensive searches in areas like Shopian and Baramulla, targeting residences and suspected hideouts linked to individuals associated with the case. These raids come shortly after the recent arrest of a suspect involved in Pakistan-backed terrorism. The case revolves around the supply of weapons via drones to active militants in Kashmir.

Following the arrest of Zakir Hussain from Kathua district on November 27 by the NIA Jammu Branch, the agency had received vital inputs on November 29. Hussain is the latest among eight accused apprehended in the case registered by the NIA on July 30 last year, subsequent to taking over from Kathua Police.

While seven accused were arrested previously, one passed away due to cardiac arrest during judicial custody. Additionally, two Pakistan-based terror operatives remain at large. The NIA is intensifying its investigations to unravel a larger conspiracy involving Pakistan-backed terrorist groups aimed at executing acts of terror and violence in Kashmir and across India.