In a major action against terrorists operating from Pakistani soil, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday attached the Srinagar-based property of Mushtaq Zargar alias Latram, the founder and chief commander of Al-Umar Mujahideen, who was released along with Masood Azhar, the notorious Jaish-e-Mohammed chief, in exchange of passengers of the hijacked Indian Airlines flight 814 (IC 814) at Kandahar in 1999.
Zargar was also involved in the kidnapping of former union Home Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s daughter, Rubaiya Sayeed in 1989. Zargar’s two Marlas house (Khasra No. 182) at Ganai Mohalla, Jamia Masjid, Nowhatta, Srinagar, has been attached under the provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, the NIA said in a statement on Thursday.
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