On Tuesday, a group of nine individuals staged a protest by climbing onto a water tank near the Public Health Department Assembly office in Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur. The police were alerted to the situation and promptly arrived at the scene. Through persuasive efforts, law enforcement successfully convinced all nine protestors to descend from the water tank. Jyoti Nagar Station Officer Rajkumar disclosed that the individuals were victims of a Rs 2,700 crore fraud perpetrated by the NEXA Evergreen company.
The protesters demanded swift arrests of the accused and urged for the investigation of the fraud case by central agencies. They emphasized that an FIR was filed a year ago, yet no action has been taken against the accused, leading to a surge in the confidence of the perpetrators. The victims expressed concerns about the accused openly making threats while roaming freely. The NEXA Evergreen company, operational in the financial year 2018-19, swindled nearly 70,000 people in Rajasthan, enticing them with promises of investment returns in the Dholera Smart City project in Gujarat.
The owners of the company, Subhash Bijarniya and Ranveer Bijarniya, hailing from Panlawa in Sikar district, targeted not only civilians but also government employees, police officers, army personnel, and government officials. The company lured individuals with the prospect of doubling their money in 14 months, using a photo of the Prime Minister for credibility. Following their fraudulent activities, the company disappeared, leading to the revelation of a Rs 2,700 crore fraud. Multiple cases have been registered in various locations in Rajasthan, including Jaipur, Sikar, Jhunjhunu, and Jodhpur. In March of the current year, Sikar police took action, arresting Amar Chand Dhaka, Ranveer Bijarniya, Subhash Bijarniya, and Opendra, while seizing their bank accounts. However, two masterminds, Banwari and Salim, remain at large. The investment scheme in the company ranged from Rs 50,000, promising a weekly interest return of Rs 1,352 when deposited for 60 months, to Rs 1 lakh investments yielding a Rs 2,704 weekly return. The company claimed to invest the deposited funds in the land, with profits purportedly tied to increasing land rates. Consequently, many individuals mortgaged their assets or took loans to invest in the scheme.