Amid the ongoing media speculation around late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s case, Disha Salian’s father Satish Salian has ended his silence on Thursday and slammed reports that claim her daughter was raped and subsequently murdered. In a letter to Maharashtra’s Assistant commissioner of police Dilip Yadav, he said that his family has been continuously harassed by the media in relation to his daughter’s death and it has taken a huge toll on their family’s health.
He stated that the news of her involvement with any politician or attending parties with big names of the film fraternity, rape and murder are all false and fabricated. The stories hold no truth and are tarnishing his daughter and family’s reputation, says her father.
A day after SC reprimanded Mumbai Police in the death probe, Disha’s father, on the contrary, expressed that he is completely satisfied with the investigations conducted by them and does not suspect any foul play.
Satish Salian’s reaction comes a day after former Maharashtra CM Narayan Rane alleged that Disha Salian was raped and murdered. Claiming that the Maharashtra government is trying to save the culprits, Rane also alleged that Disha’s family is under pressure.
Meanwhile, a PIL has also been filed in the Supreme Court urging the transfer of Disha Salian’s case to CBI stating that both the cases are interlinked. Several reports have hinted at Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray’s son Aaditya’s involvement in the whole matter. In response, Aaditya recently released a public statement in which he said that some people are unnecessarily dragging him into the matter and the reason might be their political failure or rather success of Maharashtra government.
Rubbishing his involvement in the matter, Aditya called the attempt of politicizing the dead ‘a blot to humanity’. He added that he is the grandson of Hindihriduysamrat Balasaheb Thackeray and won’t act in a manner that will affect his image.
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