On September 23rd, celebrity couple Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad joyfully welcomed their baby girl Raabiyaa, with Fahad now sharing a heartwarming picture. On Tuesday night, he took to his official Instagram handle and dropped the new adorable picture. It shows the actress sitting on the bed, with her baby girl Raabiyaa in her arms. The new mother is seen softly kissing her daughter’s head. Swara is seen in her PJs, while a blue baby pillow is placed around Raabiyaa. Fahad hid the baby girl’s face with a white heart emoji. She is seen in a cutesy white outfit. Sharing the lovely picture, Fahad wrote, “Blessing [Swara Bhasker].”

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Earlier, the actress shared a cute glimpse of baby Raabiyaa.

It was on September 25 that the power couple announced the birth of their daughter. Sharing adorable pictures on Instagram, they wrote, “A prayer heard, a blessing granted, a song whispered, a mystic truth..Our baby girl Raabiyaa was born on 23rd September 2023 With grateful and happy hearts, thank you for your love! It’s a whole new world.”

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