New Delhi: Motorola on Tuesday launched its latest smartphone ‘Moto G9 Power’ with a massive 6000mAh battery for Rs 11,999 in India. The smartphone will be available in two colour variants, the vivid electric violet and the sophisticated metallic sage. “The phone will go on sale starting 15 December, 12 noon onwards, exclusively on Flipkart,” the company said in a statement. The smartphone features a 6.8-inch HD+ (720×1,640 pixels) IPS display with a 20.5:9 aspect ratio. The phone is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC, coupled with 4GB RAM and 64GB of onboard storage that is expandable via microSD card (up to 512GB). The smartphone houses a 64MP primary sensor with an f/1.79 lens, 2MP secondary sensor with an f/2.4 macro lens and a 2MP depth sensor with f/2.4 lens. The device comes with a 16MP camera sensor at the front.

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