New Delhi: LG is reportedly planning to bring two new budget smartphones—K42 and K52—to India soon. According to GizmoChina, both the devices have also cleared India’s BIS certification. The LG K42 has already launched in Central America and the Caribbean region while the LG K52 has launched in Europe. The LG K42 features a 6.6-inch HD+ display with a central hole-punch cut out for the selfie camera. It is powered by the MediaTek Helio P22 SoC, which is coupled with 3GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The device features a quad rear camera setup that includes a 13MP primary sensor, a 5MP super-wide snapper, a 2MP depth sensor, and a 2MP macro shooter. On the front, the smartphone comes with an 8MP selfie camera. The LG K52 comes with a 6.6-inch HD+ FullVision display with a 20:9 aspect ratio. It is powered by an octa-core MediaTek MT6765 Helio P35 SoC, paired with 4GB of RAM. The smartphone features a quad rear camera setup that houses a 48MP primary sensor, a 5MP ultra-wide-angle shooter, a 2MP depth sensor, and a 2MP sensor with a macro lens.
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