Actress Sanjana Sanghi who was recently seen alongside Sushant Singh Rajput in Dil Bechara said that she was concerned that over 150 million students were out of the schools for 6 months due to Covid-19. “It worries me that they are not able to meet their friends. They are not able to ask questions and learn. But at these hard times volunteerism can make a big difference to children and other victims of the pandemic. If we can reach out and help each other, we can make the world smaller and closer,” she said.

The actress said that hard work and sincere efforts would give the youth a big hope for their future. “Once they do their best, they should learn to leave the rest to nature, and relax. This has been the approach to my studies and career,” said the actress who was interacting with hundreds of students in a Facebook live session organised by SOS Children’s Villages, an NGO which works for underprivileged children.

Talking about the journey and success of Dil Bechara, Sanjana said, “I started training in Jazz when I was six. I later learned Kathak. I was 13-year old, when I made my acting debut in Rockstar. I’ve played many supporting roles in films as a child artist, and my debut as a leading lady, Dil Bechara, has given me the warmest embrace by our audiences. All these developments are only a reminder of the values I was brought up with. Just work hard, and that’s enough to drown out all the noise.”

Responding to a question about career selection and success, Sanjana said that she never had any grand vision of becoming a Hindi film heroine. “For that matter, growing up, I have never been clear of who I wanted to be or what I wanted to do when I grew up. But fear has been my core emotion and a motivating factor. I have always carried the fear of whether I would tap my full potential, and be able to overcome my limitations. I have grown up with the fear of whether I’ll be proud of myself when I grow up and be able to tap myself on the shoulder and say well done.”