NeuroPure is an advanced nerve formula designed for all men and women above 18 years old who have neuropathy problems and still doesn’t find any reliable supplement to eradicate it. All the ingredients are plant-based, making it 100% natural and safe from side effects.

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Neuropathy is a disease in which one or more body nerve get dysfunctional or damaged, and the connection between the body and nervous system get affected so that the person will get tingling and numbness in the hands or feet, loss of control, imbalance, muscle weakness, and pain.

Many doctors and experts said that when people pass their 50s, neuropathy becomes part of their life because as the body gets older, the working efficiency decreases, and diet and exercise also cannot help for some people. So, they need to add a supplement full of nutrients so that body works at its peak, and for this, NeuroPure came into being.

According to NeruoPure Website, neuropathy mostly appears in diabetics patients but can also occur in patients who have done surgery or suffered from severe pain.

Sometimes people ignore their pain and think that it will treat naturally with time. But it doesn’t work; instead, the illness becomes so extreme that it is unbearable, and they have to visit the hospital emergency and take proper treatment.

If you have neuropathic pain, painkillers are not an option because they only help you for some time, and the condition remains, so you need an appropriate supplement or treatment to cure the root cause of it and treat it from there.

Here, Premier Vitality NeuroPure comes in as it contains a mix blend of natural and organic ingredients to kill neuropathic symptoms like loss of balance and muscle pain. Read NeuroPure Review to increase your knowledge about this supplement.

Quick Summary:

Supplement Name:NeuroPure (Neuro Pure)
Creator:Chris Adams
Main Benefit:Treat neuropathy from the root cause.
Ingredients:Prickly Pear, Passionflower, Marshmallow root, Corydalis, and more.
Quantity:60 capsules
Price:Starts from $69
Official Website:Click Here To Visit

What Is NeuroPure Supplement?

NeuroPure is a dietary supplement to treat neuropathy from its root cause and prevent it from happening again.

There is no restriction on who will use it or not; all men and women above 18 years old can benefit from it and live their lives free from neuropathic pain.

The NeuroPure Formula is a mixture of natural plant and herb extract to treat the root cause of neuropathy in a unique and pacifying way.

NeuroPure powers the brain cells to eliminate stress, toxins, free radicals, and negativity from the mind, which we intake daily.

All the ingredients used in this supplement are safe for human health as all are clinically tested in US laboratories.

Who Is The Creator?

NeruoPure Supplement cured over 88 thousand people globally, and you can read their feedback on the Official Page under NeuroPure Reviews.

NeuroPure is the creation of Chris Adams, who lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is not a doctor or a professional healthcare expert, but he has researched neuropathy for almost 2 to 3 years. He started searching when his father gradually fell down the stairs and was taken to the hospital, where the doctor diagnosed him with neuropathy and was given some medicine.

After some time, this problem started again. The doctor said there is no permanent solution for it, and his father has to live their remaining life with these medicines. Then he started searching for it to cure neuropathy with natural homemade remedies. This homemade remedy worked fine for his father, and after six months of using it, his father became fit and strong as he was before.

After that, he shared this remedy with their friends and colleagues, which worked very well for them. One day Adam’s friend gave him the idea to share his formula with the world. He started looking for a trusted company that promoted his formula. Then Premium Vitality and Adam joined together after some time and launched NeuroPure Supplement for the public.

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How NeuroPure Works In Human Body?

Many studies and research confirmed that neuropathy is caused by the overactivity of three poisonous enzymes known as COX-2, PGE-2, and MMP-13. These overactivities are taken up by the body, affecting the nervous system and also shooting up sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. For this reason, diabetes patients mostly have neuropathic problems.

These overactivity enzymes can cause numbness, tingling in hands and feet, loss of balance, and nerve pain.

Here comes the role of NeuroPure, which stops the pain signal from these enzymes. Treating the damaged nerve and rejoining the link between body and mind.

The NeuroPure Formula treats these nerves continuously until all damaged ones are strengthened. Other ingredients eliminate three toxins enzymes from the body, so the nerve remains active.

Components of NeuroPure Formula

The main components of NeuroPure are Prickly Pear, Passionflower, Marshmallow Root, Corydalis, and California Poppy Seeds. Each ingredient is briefly explained below:

Prickly Pear:

Prickly Pear is also known as nopal or opuntia. It helps treat diabetes, obesity, high blood sugar, high cholesterol level, and many more.

Prickly Pear is an edible fruit of genus flowering plants, and its taste is very delicious, like bubble gum. It is widely used in candies and jams to give them a delicious taste.

It is an excellent source of dietary fiber and helpful for the digestion system. It has the anti-inflammatory and antiviral ability to eliminate free radicals that damage body cells, causing other health illnesses and aging.

This ingredient helps the body to throw out these free radicals from the body through urine.


Passionflower is a herbal agent known for its calming effects in treating stress, anxiety, insomnia, and nerve pain. It is also common in hair care products as it protects itchy, dry, and irritated scalp.

This component helps increase the brain’s Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) level. GABA is a neurotransmitter in the brain that blocks specific signals and decreases the activity in the nervous system. When this GABA level attaches to protein, providing calming effects to the brain and humans free from stress, anxiety, tension, nerve pain, nerve damage, and other health issues.

Passionflower contains a chemical compound known as Lavone. It is vital for the body because it kills three poisonous enzymes (COX-2, PGE-2, and MMP-13).

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow is a demulcent herb with anti-inflammatory effects to reduce inflammation in the body. Demulcent herbs are used frequently to treat heartburn and hair loss.

In ancient times, people used marshmallow root to calm the mouth, throat, stomach, and esophagus.

It is also helpful to reduce pain and inflammation from the mucous membranes that line with the respirational system, such as dry cough, diarrhea, stomach pain, stomach ulcer, urine infection, and constipation.


Corydalis is also called yanhusuo and is mainly found in North Hemisphere. It effectively treats headaches, migraines, analgesics, insomnia, and menstruation.

Many studies concluded that this component is unsafe for pregnant women as it starts your period, and the uterus get swells and causes miscarriage. It also indicates that corydalis extract does not take orally for more than 4 weeks which may cause muscle fragility.

California Poppy Seeds

California poppies are beautiful yellow-colored flowers that grow in wild areas of North America. It has medical benefits like anti-anxiety and pain-relieving abilities to fight against headaches, insomnia, anxiety, neuralgia, tension, and depression.

All these ingredients are mixed in NeuroPure Supplement in a specific portion so that no side effects can occur.

Recommend Dose Of NeuroPure

NeuroPure is a neuropathy supplement that is packed with 60 capsules. The recommended dose is 2 capsules daily with water or other light beverages such as milk.

There is no specific schedule mentioned on the official page. To get appropriate results, take one pill in the morning with breakfast to remove all the toxins we ingest daily and another pill in the night with dinner to enhance sleep ability, as recommended by many NeuroPure Reviews. It is advised to stick to this schedule for a month at least and then change it as you like.

We know that all humans differ in terms of diet, gender, lifestyle, and eating habits, so that the result may vary. You will start seeing the result in one month, and if it happens, then continue it for 3 to 6 months to fully recover from the neuropathies problem.

It is also suggested that you don’t use more than the recommended dosage to get a fast result which can damage other body organs.

Don’t try to skip the dosage or take an underdose which may impact the final results.

Cost Of NeuroPure Formula

NeuroPure is a supplement available to the public on their official website only because local stores and other online stores take commission and increase the product price to $200, so they are selling directly to the customer at a discounted rate by cutting retailers.

The cost of NeuroPure is $99, but now the limited discounted period is going on, so you can grab it for $69 to $49, according to the quantity.

Let’s see the price packages as per the official NeuroPure website:

  • 1 Bottle Package: One bottle last for 30 days and will cost $69.
  • 3 Bottles Package: Three bottles are enough for 90 days and cost you $177. You can save $120.
  • 6 Bottles Package: Six bottles can be used for 180 days and cost $294. Customers can save $300.

All these packages include free US shipping and no other subscription or upgrading fees.

Customers can also get 2 free ebooks as a gift, which are:

  • The Complete Neuropathy Protocol (Cost $47)
  • Fat Burn Tricks – The Keys to Body Transformation ($37)

Who Should Not Use It?

Following people should avoid it:

Children under 18 years old should be highly restricted from using it because these pills need a strong immune system to digest, which they don’t have.

Nursing mothers and pregnant women should avoid it as one of its ingredients can cause miscarriage.

Also, people suffering from extreme health conditions and taking medical pills should avoid using Neuropure because it reacts adversely with other medicines or pills.

NeuroPure Benefits

This NeuroPure supplement repairs nerves that are damaged by the three poisonous enzymes.

NeuroPure contains anti-oxidant properties to reduce oxidative stress.

All the ingredients of NeuroPure are carefully selected and mixed at a specific ratio so that it works effectively and quickly.

NeuroPure is for all men and women, whether you are 30 years old or over 70 years old, and works the same for all.

These pills have the ability to enhance memory function.

These capsules contain many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins that the body needs to supply proper blood flow, especially in the brain area.

Each of the NeuroPure ingredients has been tested scientifically and clinically in the laboratory before being available to the customers.

These pills do not contain any flavor, addictive, or pesticides that are harmful to the body.

All its ingredients are locally assembled by the plant owners who grow their plants with nature instead of using chemicals.

Customers who buy it will get two free bonus Ebooks and a 60-day 100% guarantee.

The price of NeuroPure is set low compared to the other medical pills which work temporarily.


Neuropathy is a disease that cannot disappear by taking pain-relieving pills. To properly treat nerve damage and relieve pain, you must consume NeuroPure Pills to treat nerve dysfunction or damage.

NeuroPure is the best remedy for neuropathy as it contains all-natural ingredients that treat naturally even if you have peripheral (diabetes) neuropathy.

Don’t get worried if it will work or not. Please read all the NeuroPure reviews to know whether it works for your condition. And you have 2 whole months to try this supplement and if you don’t see any results, get a full refund from the NeuroPure Company.

You must take these pills for 3 to 6 months without skipping any dose for full and final results.

If you find this NeuroPure Review effective, share your comments below.

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We are working as a group of researchers, testers, and writers. We do earn a small commission from the purchase you make through the link provided on this page. Dietary supplements are not regulated by FDA. This product is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat and disease. 

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