Rani Mukerji has shown her versatility as an actor every time. With the upcoming ‘Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway’, she is all set to make you fall in love with her acting prowess once again. The film’s trailer left everybody emotional. Netizens flooded twitter with the tweets consisting praises of Rani Mukerji’s acting.
A netizen wrote, “The trailer of #MrsChatterjeeVsNorway is a masterclass in acting. Rani Mukherji is truly a gem of the Indian film industry.”
“If you are a fan of Rani Mukherji, you can’t afford to miss #MrsChatterjeeVsNorway. The trailer is proof that she’s at the top of her game,” another netizen tweeted.
Another netizen wrote praising the movie, “#MrsChatterjeeVsNorway trailer gives you goosebumps. I don’t know why #RaniMukherji is not celebrated much as an actor. From #KuchKuchHotaHai to #Black to #Mardaani, she has only excelled with every role. Do support this film.”
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