Bollywood diva Malaika Arora has been facing immense criticism for posting a picture of her boyfriend-actor Arjun Kapoor ‘without clothes’. On Sunday, the diva took to her Instagram story and shared a picture of the actor relaxing on a couch. However, what grabbed everyone’s attention was that the actor was seen posing with “no clothes on”.
One of the social media users on Reddit wrote, “Why is she showing this to us? We don’t want to see a naked Arjun. We can barely tolerate a clothed one.” Another wrote, “I am not witty enough, but this is so tacky to me.” A third user commented, “Was she drunk when she posted this on her public account?” A fourth user wrote, “It’s shameful.”
Take a look at Malaika Arora’s Instagram story
For the unversed, they have been dating for quite some time, and made their relationship official back in 2019. The actor’s love life has been the talk of the industry for several years now. While he is 37, Malaika Arora is 49. They never fail to shower love on each other on social media and frequently post mushy, romantic pictures with each other.
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