Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor’s big travel pillow has caught everyone’s attention yet again. The actress returned to Mumbai on Wednesday night with her pillow in her hand. Dressed in comfy grey pyjamas and oversized tee, the talented actress very proudly carried the pillow in her hand. However, not everyone was impressed. The video of Janhvi was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. Many took to the comments section and made fun of her.
Check out the viral video below
“Ab ye kya drama h Bollywood ka,” a user asked. Accha uske pass he pillow, me idhar kabse dhoond raha hoon, batake to jana tha yaar,” another added. “When they ask what’s your weekend plan,” a third user joked. “Hum agar yesa kuch karte to log bolte ghr valone ghar se nikal diya kya,” a fourth wrote. “Wahi pillow agr koi normal jana leke gaye to gaun wala bolke haste sab loga dekhke,” a fifth person wrote.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Janhvi was last seen in GoodLuck Jerry. She is currently busy shooting for her South debut, Devara alongside Jr NTR. Janhvi has completed the shooting of Mr and Mrs Mahi with Rajkummar Rao and recently announced a new film titled Ulajh.
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