Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has taken the internet by storm with his old tweet on ‘bra’ and ‘panties’. On Wednesday, one of the Reddit users shared a screenshot of Big B’s tweet which the Bollywood megastar had shared way back in 2010. “In the English language, why is ‘bra’ singular and ‘panties’ plural,” read the tweet. The screenshot went viral in no time. One of the users quote retweeted Big B’s old tweet and wrote, “Amitji, what’s this behaviour?” Another sarcastically wrote, “Finally someone is asking the important questions!”
On the professional front, Big B’s quiz game show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) will soon be back on our television screens with its 15th season. On Monday, he took to his official Twitter handle and shared a picture of himself. He wrote, “T 4715 – rehearsing again and again and again .. for KBC ..” Also, Big B is part of Nag Ashwin’s magnum opus Kalki 2898 AD.
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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