Chamkila has been hitting headlines ever since its announcement. It will release on Netflix, and its first look is finally out after much await. Sharing the first teaser of the film, Netflix India wrote, “Jo naam saalon se aapke dil aur dimaag pe chaaya hai woh ab aapke saamne aaya hai. Watch the untold story of Punjab’s highest record-selling artist, Amar Singh [Chamkila], coming soon only on Netflix!”
The film will release on Netflix in 2024. Talking about working with actress Parineeti Chopra and Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh, director Imtiaz Ali said, “Making Amar Singh Chamkila on the life of the iconic music star of the masses has been a unique journey for me. I could not have asked for better actors than the immensely talented Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra to play in this film, especially since it involves some live singing. The film follows the crazed popularity of Chamkila’s daring songs that society could neither ignore nor swallow. Having Netflix as a partner, I am humbled to take our story to millions of viewers not only in India but around the globe.