On Wednesday, singer Neha Kakkar posted a picture where she is seen posing with rumoured boyfriend Rohan Preet. The image seems to be a poster of a new song. “NehuDaVyah by #NehaKakkar… featuring my Rohu @rohanpreetsingh. 21st October,” Neha captioned the post. However, fans and colleagues are confused. Reacting to it, singer and Indian Idol co-judge Vishal Dadlani commented: “I am confused again. Is this a wedding or a new song/film? Saaf Saaf batao, kapde silwane hai ya download/stream/share karna hai (be clear, should I get clothes stitched for your wedding or should I download/ stream/share)?”
However, the post didn’t go down well with a section of social media users. “Itna drama ek song ke liye (So much of drama for a song)?” an Instagram user commented. “Too much promotion,” another felt. Neha and Rohan Preet, who is also a singer, have been sharing loved-up posts about each other on social media for a while now. Earlier rumours have suggested that the two plan to get married on 21 October, but after Neha’s recent post it seems everything was done to promote the song.