Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has instructed the officials to make mandatory, RT-PCR test negative report obtained within 72 hours for passengers coming from other states by rail or air route.
Addressing a video conference with the medical representatives, the Chief Minister asked the officials to examine the passengers arriving without a negative report and make arrangements to place them in quarantine, Covid care centre or hospital as per SOP. “The increasing number of Covid-19 patients in Chhattisgarh is worrisome. If we meet this challenge in a planned way, then we will surely succeed. For this, passengers on all the borders of Chhattisgarh with Maharashtra should be strictly examined. Along with the airport, arrangements should be made to examine passengers coming to Chhattisgarh on railway stations as well,” the Chief Minister said in a statement.
He also said that arrangements should also be made to keep passengers in quarantine centre and isolation as required. “This time the infection is also spreading in the villages. To prevent this, it is necessary to examine those coming from outside the state. Instructions have been issued by the state government to establish quarantine centres in villages,” he added. Baghel further asked the operators of private hospitals to provide the best possible treatment to the corona patients. For this, the state government will also provide the necessary support. WITH ANI INPUTS