MUMBAI: Actress Neetu Chandra is thrilled about her upcoming Hollywood film, Never Back Down: Revolt. Directed by Kellie Madison, the film is the fourth instalment in the Never Back Down franchise. The first film had released in 2008.

The new sequel revolves around a woman who is kidnapped and forced to compete in elite underground fights and has to battle her way out to freedom.

“I have always believed in the fact that the only way to succeed in anything would be to give it everything and be consistent in whatever you do, that’s what I have been dedicated to. I have literally been waiting for something which pushes me against the walls and I am very excited that it just beautifully entered my life when producer David Zelon of Mandalay films offered me Never Back Down: Revolt with Sony Motion Pictures at the special screening of Bad Boys last year,” said Neetu.

The role came to her after the makers learnt that she is an actor who is also a blackbelt 4th Dan in Taekwondo.

Never Back Down: Revolt also stars Olivia Popica and Diana Hoyos.