The body of a 15-year-old boy, identified as Maitraksh Baldaniya, was found in the Narmada River at Poicha in Gujarat’s Narmada district on Thursday morning, officials confirmed. Maitraksh, the son of Bharat Bhai Baldaniya from Saniya Hemad, Surat, had been at Poicha for a picnic with a group from Surat when the tragic incident occurred.

The authorities handed over Maitraksh’s body to the civil police. This brings the total number of bodies recovered from the river to six. Among the other victims are Braj Himmatbhai Baldaniya (11), Bhargav Ashokbai Hadia (15), and Bhavesh Vallabhbhai Hadia (15). Two bodies remain unidentified.

The incident took place on May 14 when seven members of a family, including minors, were swept away by the river’s current at Poicha. Following the incident, a search operation was launched by a unit of the 6BN National Disaster Relief Force from Jarod in Vadodara district. Local divers from the National Disaster Rescue Force (NDRF) and the Vadodara fire team also participated in the search efforts.

Poicha is a popular destination for summer picnics and swimming in the Narmada River. Recently, the Narmada district administration imposed a ban on local boat operators from operating without a license in the river.